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How Rotary Clubs in Rotary district 3131 reported more than 4789 projects worth $31 million USD supporting 500K++ beneficiaries in a year.

About client - Rotary District 3131 India

Rotary District 3131 in India is a district of Rotary International, dedicated to tackling various humanitarian challenges and promoting goodwill and peace. Rotary District 3131 covers Pune & Raigad revenue districts of Maharashtra.

The district consists of 144 Rotary clubs, and more than 5800 active Rotary members belonging to different professions and community who come together to carry out service projects and foster fellowship. These clubs work collaboratively to implement Rotary's mission at the local level.

Rotary Website Design and Mobile App for Rotary Club Management

Services provided by Dimakh Consultants

  • Rotary District website design service
  • Rotary Clubs website
  • Mobile app for Rotary Clubs
  • Rotary performance dashboard
  • Search Engine Optimisation

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This Rotary app has changed our lives and every year we are able to get new features with strategic updates. The mobile app designed and developed by Dimakh Consultants is very intuitive and much better than any other app and all our clubs in the district use this very effectively since last 15 years. We are able to promote all the district events via the mobile app and have seen a huge increase in district event participations.

- Rotary District Governors and Past District Governors of 3131. Rotary Presidents of 144 Rotary clubs

This Rotary app has changed our lives and every year we are able to get new features with strategic updates. The mobile app designed and developed by Dimakh Consultants is very intuitive and much better than any other app and all our clubs in the district use this very effectively since last 15 years. We are able to promote all the district events via the mobile app and have seen a huge increase in district event participations.

- Rotary District Governors and Past District Governors of 3131. Rotary Presidents of 144 Rotary clubs

Rotary Data at your fingertips

After speaking to more than 250+ various Rotary members, we realised that the pain areas of Rotary presidents and Rotary members were -

  • unable to find Rotary data quickly
  • Report projects and meetings data multiple times
  • Unable to find Rotary members contact information
  • A lot of paperwork in club and district reporting
  • Problem in finding old data of club projects, club photos etc
  • No centralised data dashboard for Rotary activities

We made a smart Rotary mobile app which was connected with the Rotary district website and the individual Rotary club websites. The password protected app allowed any member to search all Rotarians in the district via the Rotary District directory app and quickly get contact details of any Rotarian and save member data to your phone contact list. The project section allows members to report, view and rate all projects in the club and share details to anyone who is interested. The Rotary meetings section gives intimation of completed and upcoming Rotary meetings and each member can mark the attendance by scanning a QR code The club Roster , club celebrations sections give the information of every member of the club with his birth date, anniversary date and you can wish the Rotarian via phone or whatsapp. The club bulletins allow you to upload bulletins in PDF format and video formats.

Important Takeaways


Easy to use Rotary app on All Devices

All the members were given a beautiful and thoughtful experience with easy to use features. The intuitive tabs and panels gave a perfect user experience to Rotary members Within first three months usage of mobile app increased by 200%


A fast loading website to showcase Rotary projects

Each club president has been given his own area to showcase projects for his Rotary year. This allowed non Rotary partners and CSR partners to join hands with Rotary in making a huge impact in society to help the beneficiaries. The online search on google gives visibility to the 144 clubs in Rotary district. The unique design done by Dimakh Consultants helped Rotary clubs to achieve synergy with other partners.


A powerful dashboard design to display performance and achievements

All the clubs in the district are ranked based on the Rotary Club performance Index designed by Dimakh Consultants. This created a healthy competition amongst all the clubs and inspired presidents to give the best in the Rotary year. This dashboard design gave a complete transparent data to all the members of the Rotary District and the clubs.